Walks of Interest: De Beauvoir, Haggerston & Shoreditch

Walkingtogether proudly presents their 2024 autumn - winter Walks of Interest programme. Reap the outdoor benefits of being physically and socially active.
About This Event
Join us for regular walks as we explore the local area and uncover historical and interesting topics. Beautiful houses and squares, underworld criminals, a mole man, Oswald Mosley, Gainsborough film studios, Shoreditch Park and Dorothy Thurtle Gardens - finishing at the new Britannia Centre and why they named BRAFA Square. Important: To book visit: hackney.gov.uk/walking or email walking@hackney.gov.uk or call Darren English on 020 8356 4897. Once maximum numbers are reached no no more entries will be permitted. We’ll give you priority if you’re a Hackney resident or are registered to a Hackney based GP surgery.
Accessibility Information
To book and for further information including all our walks visit: hackney.gov.uk/walking or email walking@hackney.gov.uk or call Darren English on 020 8356 4897. The meeting point is Dalston Junction Station (exit near the bus garage). Walking lead: Sue Doe.
Booking Information
To attend, please email or call